Thursday, December 4, 2008


Ok so it's been a while since I've last updated my blog. Today is December 4th and I can't believe I'm 35 weeks along already!!! The past month has been exciting and there have been lots of changes! For one, we finally have the nursery complete.. With the exception of some artwork and a few other details which we are waiting to find out if it's an Abby or an Owen for everything is pretty much set as far as the baby's room goes. I was fortunate enough to have Grammy come stay with us for a week while she was visiting for the baby shower to help me decorate and wash all those cute baby clothes!! I think we did a great job! My bag is packed for the hospital and the car seat is installed, I feel like we're forgetting something... Oh that's right A BABY!!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008


November 8th was our baby shower!! I had such a great time... My sisters and mom really outdid themselves and threw me a cupcake themed party! It was adorable!! As you can see they made me wear a shirt that said "baby wants a cupcake" I was a good sport about it LOL. They even had individual Cup Cakes on every table in all different flavors and colors! I was especially touched by the scrapbook all of my guests decorated for me while at the shower. Baby Haynes is one lucky little ducky! We received such beautiful baby gifts and we can wait to put them to use! Grammy came to visit for the week and as a surprise birthday gift for her I took her to the city to see the Rockettes! We had a great time, I hadn't seen them since I was a little girl so it was great to share this experience together! I look forward to many more fun adventures to come! We also attended our first baby class and took a tour of the maternity section of the hospital. Luckily everything was just renovated so it should be a comfortable stay I even get my own room!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

24 Weeks- Apple Picking

Today we went apple picking. We went with my grandma, mom, sister and niece 4 generations! We had alot of fun, I am making my first apple pie tonight. I can't wait to dig in!! Notice picture #1.... we just couldn't resist.....

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

23 Weeks

Yesterday Dave and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary! There is no better way to celebrate than in anticipation of this amazing life we've created together! The baby is getting bigger everyday and is now the size of a papaya (according to his/her kicks are getting stronger everyday...... so is my appetite!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

20 week checkup-

We are half way to the finish line! It's been an exciting 20 weeks so far and we hope the next 20 will go as smoothly and as quickly as the first. everything on the sonogram looked great the Dr. pointed out to us all of the parts of the baby and even saw into the heart. At one point the baby moved his/her hand across the screen and you could see every little detail in those tiny fingers. The pictures above show the baby laying on it's belly the Dr. asked if we wanted to find out the gender, we declined but even if we wanted to the baby was not cooperating and seemed quite comfortable in his/her position.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

18 week photo!

Last night Dave, my sisters, and my nephews Gavin and Shane went to a hot air balloon festival. They had much more than that though, we went to the carnival, a monster truck show, motorcycle show, dog show, wrestling show, arts and crafts show, and caught part of a pink floyd tribute band! Needless to say we are all pooped this morning but we sure had alot of fun.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

We have a kicker!!

So I was laying on the couch the other night (watching soccer with Dave no less) when I felt some strange rumblings in my tummy! I thought could it be? So I quickly consulted my all powerful and all knowing trusty sister Melissa (Oz was not available). Since she recently had two kids of her own recently I thought for sure she would know what I was feeling. After a few minutes of intense questioning we came to the conclusion it was in fact the baby!! I grabbed Dave and he was even able to feel it!! The look on his face was priceless, he was so happy... Looks like baby Haynes is taking after his/her Daddy!! ....... we both went to bed smiling that night.

18 Weeks! We Painted the Nursery!...... AGAIN!

Well after a week of agonizing over the color of the paint I decided that "dunegrass" just wasn't cuttin' it. So last night we went and got new paint, let me rephrase: I dragged Dave to home Depot to get new paint and we couldn't be happier with the results! It was worth the 20 minute trip in terrential downpours. Oh, here is also the picture of the bedding we are going to use, minus the wallpaper and pictures. If it turns out to be a girl Grammy Haynes came up with a great idea to add pink bows to the cows necks to make it more girly. Let's hope I don't change my mind again by then!! I would like to eventually paint a white picket fence on the wall to match. I can't wait for it to be complete!

Monday, July 28, 2008

17 weeks

Yay! 17 weeks is here. Still feeling great except for some back pain, I couldn't walk, bend or twist last night I also have to wrap my wrists now at night, for some reason they have been really sore the doctor says It is common in pregnancy as the joints tend to swell. I will have to be careful of that from now on. I'm not sure but I may have felt some movement earlier. It's really hard to tell and I don't know if I'm imagining things!! We are so excited to have painted this nursery this weekend. It's difficult to tell from the picture but it is a light green almost a celery color. Things are moving along, I'm almost half way there!! We also got a camcorder this weekend to catch all these special memories!

Friday, July 25, 2008

16 Weeks

Well folks, it's official. We have a bump!

14 weeks

Yay! We finally made it to the 2nd trimester! Woo-Hoo! So the names we have decided on are Abigail Paige (Abby) and Owen Andrew ( Andrew is Dave' s middle name). We will not be finding out the baby's gender this is making it a bit difficult to decorate but I think we decided on the colors blue, green, and white. I really thought I would have some maternal instinct that would tell me what we were having but I have to admit I have no clue!! We can't wait for that moment when the doctor says "It's a...."

And Baby Makes 6!!

When we returned from Lake Placid we were invited to dinner with our very close friends Brian and Jenn. Brian was our best man and I have known him since I was a kid and he is basically a brother to us. We thought we couldn't possibly be any more thrilled about our own adventure we were about to embark when we learned that Brian and Jenn were expecting a visit from the stork themsleves!! If I could have done backflips and Cartwheels on the spot I would have. This was like finding out all over again. We are so excited to share this experience with two of our closest friends they are just a month behind us and will be expecting their little one on Valentine's day!

July 4th - Lake Placid Babymoon

We figured it would be a while before we had some alone time again after the baby comes that we decided to take a much needed mini vacation upstate to Lake Placid. The drive was fun and lasted about 6 1/2 hours. We took thai with us and he absolutely loved it! He wants to be a mountain dog. Our cabin was so cozy and really embellished the true adirondack style. Wood from floor to ceiling complete with a mounted Carobou head. LOL!! We noticed on the trip that I started getting my baby bump and it was all starting to feel real!!

12 Weeks 3rd Sonogram

Wow, the baby now looks like well a baby!! For the first time we could see our baby taking form. He or she is quite the little dancer although I can't feel him or her yet looks like the baby is doing aquatics in my belly! 2nd trimester here we come!!

9 weeks 2nd Sonogram

By this time baby Haynes has nearly doubled in size and has made a comfy home for the next 9 months in mommy's belly. Luckily I never experienced to terrible of morning sickness, at least nothing mamma couldn't handle! By this point I count my blessings that so far we have had a very easy pregnancy. Except for some pretty crazy dreams, tightening of my clothes, and the occasional need to have baskin robins Very Berry Strawberry ice cream I have to remind myself sometimes that I have a baby inside of me! Dave has been a great support and I am so happy to have him by my side. He is so proud to be a daddy and I love him everyday even more for it.

Telling the Family

May 11, 2008: Mother's Day
what a more perfect way to tell my mother and sisters that they could expect to become a grandma and aunt's again than on mother's day. I had the family over for an early brunch and half way thru I was bursting at the seems with excitement that I just had to tell them. I gave them each special cards, at first my mom didn't get it and just closed the card. I said "mom I think you missed something in there" she read it again and was so happy when she finally realized that her baby girl was going to have a baby of her own!

May 9, 2008
So we had sent a card and a "grandma and me" book for Grandma Haynes to open for mother's day. Since we are 3,000 miles away we tried to come up with a creative way of breaking the news. However Dave couldn't wait that long to tell his parents so we thought it would be a great idea to get a webcam and tell them on the computer. This was perfect as we could see their reaction when we held up a sign saying " Guess who's having a baby?" Of course mother's instinct kicked in because Grandma Haynes told us she had a dream a few nights before that we were expecting and well she was right! So she knew before we told her!

Say Cheese! Baby's First Picture!

May 20, 2008 : Our first Doctor's visit was amazing. According to Dr. Alamnia everything looked great and confirmed our due date of January 7th 2009. At first I was the only one unable to see the heartbeat but Dave pointed it out to me and I couldn't believe my eyes, my heart swelled and filled with joy. That was OUR baby something so magical and special that we created together and was an extension of our love for eachother. For Dave and I we knew that it was no longer just us, we were not alone from now on we were a threesome, the three amigos.. for us it was love at first sight.

Positivly Pregnant!!

The same day when Dave got home from work I told him to get ready because he was going to be a daddy!! As you can tell by the look on his face he was not only surprised but completely ecstatic!

May 2, 2008 Would be the day that would change our lives forever. After 4 months of trying to get pregnant we finally found out we were about to experience the most wonderful gift we could ever receive. The gift of life.