Thursday, August 28, 2008

20 week checkup-

We are half way to the finish line! It's been an exciting 20 weeks so far and we hope the next 20 will go as smoothly and as quickly as the first. everything on the sonogram looked great the Dr. pointed out to us all of the parts of the baby and even saw into the heart. At one point the baby moved his/her hand across the screen and you could see every little detail in those tiny fingers. The pictures above show the baby laying on it's belly the Dr. asked if we wanted to find out the gender, we declined but even if we wanted to the baby was not cooperating and seemed quite comfortable in his/her position.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

18 week photo!

Last night Dave, my sisters, and my nephews Gavin and Shane went to a hot air balloon festival. They had much more than that though, we went to the carnival, a monster truck show, motorcycle show, dog show, wrestling show, arts and crafts show, and caught part of a pink floyd tribute band! Needless to say we are all pooped this morning but we sure had alot of fun.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

We have a kicker!!

So I was laying on the couch the other night (watching soccer with Dave no less) when I felt some strange rumblings in my tummy! I thought could it be? So I quickly consulted my all powerful and all knowing trusty sister Melissa (Oz was not available). Since she recently had two kids of her own recently I thought for sure she would know what I was feeling. After a few minutes of intense questioning we came to the conclusion it was in fact the baby!! I grabbed Dave and he was even able to feel it!! The look on his face was priceless, he was so happy... Looks like baby Haynes is taking after his/her Daddy!! ....... we both went to bed smiling that night.

18 Weeks! We Painted the Nursery!...... AGAIN!

Well after a week of agonizing over the color of the paint I decided that "dunegrass" just wasn't cuttin' it. So last night we went and got new paint, let me rephrase: I dragged Dave to home Depot to get new paint and we couldn't be happier with the results! It was worth the 20 minute trip in terrential downpours. Oh, here is also the picture of the bedding we are going to use, minus the wallpaper and pictures. If it turns out to be a girl Grammy Haynes came up with a great idea to add pink bows to the cows necks to make it more girly. Let's hope I don't change my mind again by then!! I would like to eventually paint a white picket fence on the wall to match. I can't wait for it to be complete!